blender ctrl m

I'm trying to simply mirror an object (maybe for the first time) So I want to use the mirror command CtrlM for it. When use it, blender asks to select the axis I want to use for the ...

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Blender is an integrated application that enables the creation of a broad range of 2D and 3D content. Blender provides a broad spectrum of modeling, texturing, lighting, animation and video post-proce...

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  • I'm trying to simply mirror an object (maybe for the first time) So I want to use the ...
    Interactive mirror (Ctrl + M) doesn't mirror object - Bl ...
  • Blender quit is displayed in the console if Blender is properly closed. ALT-CTRL-T. TimerM...
    Blender 3D: HotKeysAll - Wikibooks, open books for an open ...
  • Blender is a comprehensive and ever expanding application for making all manner of 3D cont...
    Blender keyboard shortcuts and high-res printable hotkey map ...
  • Dicas e curso de Blender para iniciantes: Como fazer ...
    Tutorial de Blender: CTRL + M para inverter o lado das ...
  • 選取物件按 CTRL+M ; 輸入鏡射軸 x, y, 或 z; 按 ENTER 或 LMB 確認,選取物件便會由基準點(Pivot Point)沿着所指定的鏡射軸翻轉 ... Bl...
    Digitized Life: Blender 2.6: 鏡射物件
  • 由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。
    Hot Key Reference List - Main Page - BlenderWiki
  • Ctrl + M :鏡像反轉(物件模式) Ctrl + N :開啟新檔(物件模式)/讓法線方向一致(編輯模式) Ctrl + O :開啟最近使用檔 Ctrl + P :設定親子(綁...
    [CM3D2 MOD製作]教學-番外 Blender常用快捷鍵 - wayne30349的創 ...
  • If I want to merge two meshes into a single object, I would use the Join tool (Ctrl-J). Bu...
    Opposite of Ctrl-J join? - Blender Artists Community ...
  • M:將物件翻轉到對稱的位置。 Q:關閉 Blender 。 R:旋轉物件。 S:放大縮小物件。 ... Ctrl+E :標記邊線,方便以後做韙開圖。 Ctrl+O :快速打開最近編...
    Blender 快速鍵 先講幾鞄非常重要的按鈕(預設之下)
  • Ctrl + M :镜像反转(对象模式) Ctrl + N :开启新文件(对象模式)/ 让法线方向一致(编辑模式) ... Ctrl + P :设定亲子 Ctrl + Q :结束B...
    Blender(V2.74)简单操作及快捷键 - liulunyang - 博客园